Host Cancellation Policy

Host Cancellation Policy

Although cancellations by Hosts are rare and often beyond their control, they can disrupt guest plans and undermine confidence in our community. Therefore, if a Host cancels a confirmed reservation or is found responsible for a cancellation under this Policy, Destination South Africa may impose fees and other consequences.

These measures are intended to reflect the impact of cancellations on guests, the broader Host community, and Destination South Africa. However, we will waive fees and other consequences if the cancellation is due to Extenuating Circumstances or valid reasons beyond the Host’s control.

Cancellation Fees

If a Host cancels a confirmed reservation or is responsible for a cancellation under this Policy, the following fees will apply:

  • Less than 48 hours before check-in, or after check-in: 50% of the reservation amount for the nights not stayed.
  • 48 hours to 30 days before check-in: 25% of the reservation amount.
  • More than 30 days before check-in: 10% of the reservation amount.
  • Reservations of 28 days or longer: Fees will be calculated as a percentage of the non-refundable portion of the reservation up to the 30-day period following the cancellation date.

The reservation amount includes the base rate, cleaning fee, and any pet fees but excludes guest fees. If the calculated fee is less than R500 ZAR, it will be adjusted to R500 ZAR. Cancellation fees are typically withheld from the next payout(s) to the Host as provided in the Payments Terms of Service.

Additionally, Hosts will not receive a payout for the canceled reservation, or if already paid, the amount will be withheld from the next payout(s).

Situations Where Fees May Be Waived

Fees will be waived in appropriate situations, such as Extenuating Circumstances or valid reasons beyond the Host’s control. Hosts must provide documentation or other support, and we will determine whether to waive fees and other consequences after evaluating the evidence.

Even if a fee is waived, other consequences, like blocking a Listing’s calendar, may still apply. Regardless of fee waivers, the Host will not receive a payout for the canceled reservation.

Other Consequences

Additional consequences may apply, such as blocking the Listing’s calendar to prevent new reservations on affected dates. Hosts who cancel confirmed bookings without a valid reason may face further consequences, including suspension or removal of their Listing or account and loss of Superhost status, as outlined in our Terms of Service and ground rules for Hosts.

Responsibility for Cancellations

A Host may be responsible for a cancellation due to conditions in the Listing that are significantly different from the description at the time of booking. This includes double-booking, substituting properties, or gross inaccuracies like advertising a pool that is not available for guest use. In such cases, the Host will be subject to the fees and consequences outlined in this Policy.

Additional Considerations

If a Host cannot honor a reservation, they must cancel promptly to allow guests to adjust their plans. Hosts may not encourage guests to cancel. Providing false statements or materials in connection with this Policy violates our Terms of Service and may result in account termination and other consequences.

This Policy applies to cancellations occurring on or after the effective date. Any rights that guests or Hosts may have to initiate legal action remain unaffected. Changes to this Policy will be made in accordance with our Terms of Service. This Policy applies to stays but not to Experiences reservations.